Upcoming Events

We find joy and connection with community at various city events. Below is a list of events we will be at with our paper crane peace project. Join us in folding cranes to support other communities affected by mass tragedy.

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July 26, 2025 8am - July 26, 2025 3pm

The Day of Resilience, a cherished community event, kicks off on Saturday, July 26, 2025, with DJ Sinna-G and stretching and mindfulnees by Yoga Six at 7:30 AM, followed by the 5th annual "The Hero’s Journey" 5K Run/Walk at 8:00 AM, led by Zack Golditch, a survivor, former NFL player, and current firefighter.

From 10:30 to 11:00 AM, attendees can participate in yoga in the garden and enjoy guided garden tours. At 11:00 AM the Reflection Garden on Tap annual fundraiser event begins, featuring live music, wellness booths, food trucks, and live chalk art. The festival runs until 3:00 PM.

The entire event is free and family friendly, Information on how to sign up for the 5K and how to purchase wristbands for 21+ beer tasting coming soon!

If you are interested in volunteering, chalking, donating, being a vednor or sponsorship, please email us at 720Memorial@auroragov.org
