Community Memory Canister Filling

Community Reflections-Remembrance Canister Notes
Be a part of an integral and unique aspect of the 7/20 Memorial that will add an unprecedented layer of depth and meaning to the sculpture. We will be collecting notes of thoughts and remembrances from the Community to be sealed in each of the 83 cranes of the sculpture. A table will be set up in the lobby of the Aurora Municipal Center during business hours for the duration of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. Our board will also be at the proclamation ceremony April 10th @ 4 P.M at the same location.
We know the importance of being inclusive of everyone who was affected in any way by the theater tragedy, so if If you are unable to come to the Aurora Municipal Center during NCVRW, you can post your notes in the facebook event, or you may also email notes to to be transcribed and put into the canisters. You may also write or drop of notes at the Aurora Strong Resilience Center 1298 Peoria St, Aurora, CO 80011 before April 15th.
This project offers a perfect opportunity to commemorate this years’ observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week whose theme is “Expand the Circle”, emphasizing the importance of inclusion. As our artist Douwe Blumberg described in his artist statement, the tragedy of July 20th, 2012 was like a stone thrown in a still pond, the ripples of grief, pain, loss and confusion emanating from that night continue, and will continue to impact the individuals involved, their loved ones, first responders, the community, future generations, the nation and the world.
As we searched for an artist, it was of utmost importance that the piece would include healing for the Community and all who were affected. An integral and most unique aspect of this memorial is that permanently sealed within every bird form will be a “memory canister” containing tokens of remembrance filled by loved ones, survivors, and the community and placed inside each individual sculpture prior to final closure.
Click on the “Ascentiate Statement” below to read more about Douwe’s concept in his own words.