720 Anniversary

Marking 5 years, we wanted to ensure our loved ones live on through the love they would want us to share with others. There were many Heroes in Aurora on July 20th and more who have emerged since. We invited all who are affected: victims, survivors, first responders, victim advocates, family, and friends to Baker St. Pub and enjoyed a special acoustic performance by “Lights Journey Tribute Band.” We wanted everyone to come together to celebrate how we are each other’s heroes and to show that humankind is united in compassion. We wanted to inspire others who are struggling to reach out for connection and let them know they are not alone. We also had banners to sign for Manchester and London so that we could pay it forward.
The event was inspired by Rebecca Wingo, Baker St. Her friend Kate new that it was her favorite place. Gathering with so many friends and family to celebrate the lives of loved ones lost and how far we have all come was a fitting tribute.